The Reunion was a rock and roll festival held on the Central Coast for three years, where a bunch of old bands did reunion sets alongside the new bands their members had started. I did all the artwork for the 2012 and 2014 shows, creating several characters that were blown up and used as stage backdrops, as well as promotional materials and merchandise.
In 2012, I designed several characters based on real-life members of Central Coast bands, with Danny DeVito on drums - the idea was that half of the members were coming out of retirement, and the other half were young rockstars. In 2014, the characters were a visual pun on the name "The Misfits" with the girl representing the Misfits from the cartoon Gem and The Holograms, and the boy representing the punk band The Misfits, like from the early 80's. Really, I just wanted to draw a keytar.