In 2015, I initiated a giant art project called No Rooster Left Behind, for an exhibition celebrating the 5 year anniversary of The Roost, the creative co-working space I work from. This involved me drawing a simple cartoon portrait of everyone who had worked at the studio for longer than 2 months over the past five years, and all 90 portraits were displayed on a feature wall adjacent to the main entrance.
Over the past few years, new people came to work at the Roost, and asked me when I would find time in my schedule to just bust out another 90 cartoons to update the wall. I agreed to do one portrait a month, designed to look a little more nuanced than my original illustrations, and the portrait would be awarded to whoever contributed the most good deeds to the studio. We set up a nominations system and it eventually became a very large part of the studio’s culture.
Between 2018 and 2019, I completed 16 portraits.